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EP 31. Mike Ladle, Division. | |
Recorded in 2014. Dr. Mike Ladle discusses the divisions within angling keeping us from fighting for our cause on a united front rather than in the in-effective and fragmented way that is currently the case. | |
EP 30. David Kent, Social Media & Volunteers. | |
Recorded in 2014. Angling Trust board member David Kent talks about the problems with social media and not recognising the efforts of volunteers as they should be. | |
EP 29. Mark Bowler, Sea Trout Stocks. | |
Recorded in 2014. Sea Trout numbers in systems draining to Scotlands west coast have slumped dramatically over recent years. Here Fly Fishing & Fly Tying editor Mark Bowler discusses the implications, and arguably the main reason behind the problem. | |
EP 28. Andy Bradbury, Gill Nets. | |
Recorded in 2014. According to Fleetwood charter skipper Andy Bradbury, it should be every anglers dream to ban gill nets as a means of improving and conserving inshore fish stocks. Here he puts his case. | |
EP 27. Chris Ogborne, Tackle Dealers. | |
Recorded in 2014. A passionate plea to support local tackle dealers by Chris Ogborne. | |
EP 26. David Kent, Social Media & Volunteers. | |
Recorded in 2014. Angling Trust board member David Kent talks about the problems with social media and not recognising the efforts of volunteers as they should be. | |
EP 25. Tony Kirrage, National Sea Fishing License. | |
Recorded in 2014. Declining fish stocks are a national problem. Here Eastbourne fishing tackle dealer Tony Kirrage discusses the pro's and con's as to whether the monies generated by a national sea angling license, if spent appropriately, would make any difference to the situation. | |
EP 24. Mike Thrussell, Opportunities. | |
Recorded in 2014. In common with a number of sea anglers, Mike Thrussell makes the point that more needs to be done to get anglers, both boat and shore, young and old, away from computers and other house bound passtimes, and into sea fishing, which like all aspects of angling today, is seeing participant numbers slipping into decline. | |
EP 23. Terry Moseley, EA Funding. | |
Recorded in 2014. British Disabled Angling Association President Terry Moseley explores the problems of project funding from the availalable Environment Agency funding pot. | |
EP 22. Dr. Malcolm Greenhalge, Game Gripes. | |
Recorded in 2014. Dr. Malcolm Greehalge has a good old moan about vandalistic habitat destruction, not learning to fish properly by serving an apprenticeship, and the creeping Americanisation of British game fishing through inappropriate angling attire. | |
EP 21. Bridget Dawson, GHoF Funding. | |
Recorded in 2014. Get Hooked on Fishing is a national charity aimed at getting young people with a variety of disabilities and domestic problems into fishing as a means of helping them cope with their lives. But as always, there are funding issues, as project manager Bridget Dawson explains. | |
EP 20. Tommy Flower, Alien Carp. | |
Recorded in 2014. According to the British Record Fish Committee, all alien species including Carp should be removed from both the record list and the country. Tommy Flower expresses his view on the subject. | |
EP 19. Danny Parkins, Insensitivities. | |
Recorded in 2014. Anglers sometimes get a bad name through their own doing. Inflaming the situation in the other direction, the public at large often doesn't help, not to mention conservationists wanting to protect destructive predators such as Otters at any cost. Danny Parkins has his say. | |
EP 18. Phill Williams, Launching Restrictions. | |
Recorded in 2014. There is nothing more frustrating than ariving at an unfamiliar launch site ready for the off only to find out that all the necessary paper isn't in place. Wouldn't you think then that in 2014 the requirements would or should be the same regardless of where in the country you take your boat. Anglers get get equally hot under the collar when existing facilities are denied them regardless of having all the necessary certification. | |
EP 17. Brian Harris, Fishery Management. | |
Recorded in 2014. Unless something is done quickly to prevent over-cropping of our seas, lakes and rivers by EU migrants and commercial fishermen, Brian Harris is of the view that for the future, angling as we currently know it is doomed, if not in some cases already so. | |
EP 16. Leon Roskilly, EU & IFCA's. | |
Recorded in 2014. If it wasn't for the involvement of anglers in fisheries politics, there would be little in the way of fish left to conserve. Here Leon Roskilly talks about concerns regarding the EU and IFCA's. | |
EP 15. Paul Maris, Anglings Future. | |
Recorded in 2014. Sea angling, as with all participation interests, relies heavily on newcomers to offset losses through natural wasteage. But according to Paul Maris it isn't getting that, and if something doesn't change soon, it could evcentually go to the wall. | |
EP 14. Jim Whippy, The Future. | |
Recorded in 2014. Unless steps are taken, and quickly, sea angling participation looks set to decline almost into oblivion once the current generation hangs up its rods. Here Jim Whippy discusses practical ways to reverse that trend. | |
EP 13. Phill Williams & Chris Almond, Weather Forecasts. | |
Recorded in 2014. There is nothing more frustrating to a boat angler than relying on a weather forecast which then turns out to be wrong. Apart from missing out on the fishing, there are potential personal dangers in there too. So why do forecasters sometimes get coastal forecasts wrong. Met Office meteorologist Chris Almond explains. | |
EP 12. Phill Williams, Victorian Piers. | |
Recorded in 2014. Victorian Piers in their various forms have for the most part stood the test of time. But for various reasons, including damage and poor preventative maintenance, fishing is either restricted or even prohibited. Yet the powers that be say they by like to promote outdoor activities. So somewhere along the line the correct messages are not getting through. | |
EP 11. Tim Macpherson, Angling Trust. | |
Recorded in 2014. The Angling Trust promotes itself as an umbrella organisation charged with protecting and promoting all aspects of angling. Instrumental in the setting up of the trust was Sussex angler Tim Macpherson who gives his own critique here on the organisation. | |
EP 10. Leon Roskilly, EU & IFCA's. | |
Recorded in 2014. If it wasn't for the involvement of anglers in fisheries politics, there would be little in the way of fish left to conserve. Here Leon Roskilly talks about concerns regarding the EU and IFCA's. | |
EP 09. Jim Whippy, Hooks. | |
Recorded in 2014. It has been suggested that from a conservation view point, circle hooks are the future. Jim Whippy however disgrees. Here the subjects of hooks, barbs and fish handling are explored. | |
EP 08. Sarah Collins, Funding and Support. | |
Recorded in 2014. Angling is currently suffering a lack of newcomers, particularly youngsters. To redress the balance it needs funding and initiatives to get kids away from their Xbox's and out onto seat boxes. But support is often sparse and needs to be encouraged for the sake of everyone concerned. | |
EP 07. Brian Crawford, Power Generation & Fish. | |
Recorded in 2014. Power generation and fish it seems don't mix. Each of the different methods of producing electricity have their side effects when it comes to fish stocks. Here Brian Crawford discusses the options, the problems, and the urgent need for more research. | |
EP 06. Wayne Comben, Fish Stocks. | |
Recorded in 2012. Wayne Comben has his say on the problem of eastern European and Chineese immigrants resident here in the UK illegally fishing and deleting coastal and freshwater fish stocks. | |
EP 05. Graeme Pullen, Terrestrial Predators. | |
Recorded in 2014. Freshwater habitats have been hit hard in recent times by terrestrial predation in the form of Otters, Signal Crayfish and Cormorants. Graeme Pullen makes the cases for combating the problem. | |
EP 04. Gerry Foote, Rock Armour. | |
Recorded in 2013. Gerry Foote has his say on the subject of rock armour sea defences which are seen in some quarters as destroying shore fishing opportunities and preventing disabled access, while others see them as a good solution with change to rather than destruction of fish habitat. | |
EP 03. Rossall Rock Armour Sea Defences. | |
Recorded in 2014. Following nearby Morecambes example of taking the cheaper option for coastal sea defences in the form of high water rock armour, Wyre Borough Council stirred up a hornets nest with anglers aggrieved at the proposed loss of one of the top high water shore fisheries in the North West of England. This interview charts the build up to work starting. | |
EP 02. Wyre Borough Council Sea Defences Meeting 2013. | |
Recorded in 2013. Following nearby Morecambes example of taking the cheaper option for coastal sea defences in the form of high water rock armour, Wyre Borough Council stirred up a hornets nest with anglers aggrieved at the proposed loss of one of the top high water shore fisheries in the North West of England. A meeting was proposed by the engineers to look for workable alternatives. This is a recording of that meeting which took place in May 2013. | |
EP 01. Sea Angling Survey 2012. | |
Recorded in 2014. A presentation made by Mike Armstromg of CEFAS to the North West IFCA of the findings of the government backed Sea Angling 2012 survey. | |
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