Feed for Itunes / Feed reader. |  |
EP 217. Andy Griffith, Thresher Sharks. | |
Recorded in 2018. Thresher Sharks are the jewel in the crown so far as shark angling goes. For those wanting to complete the UK shark Gand Slam, they probably rate on a par with the Mako Shark. Least ways they did until recent times when the grounds to the east of the Isle of Wight started producing them reasonably regularly. Still a rarity though, and a species Andy Griffith required to complete his Grand Slam. But instead of being fortunate enough to catch one, here he describes three days fishing which produced the staggering total of five. | |
EP 216. Sam Harris, 'Gone Fishing'. | |
Recorded in 2018. 'Gone Fishing radio show host Sam Harris is used to being the one dishing out the questions. In a reversal of rules here he is put on the receiving end in an examination of his long and varied angling life. | |
EP 215. Andy Griffith, Six Gilled Sharks. | |
Recorded in 2018. Having completed a unique IGFA gand slam for Sharks in British waters including taking the Welsh Mako Shark record, it looked unlikely that Andy Griffith would be able to top that achievbement on home turf. But top it he has with two Sharks in excess of 1000 pounds both taken on the sane day. | |
EP 214. Magni Blastein, Faroe Islands | |
Recorded in 2017. A live recording on the boat with Magni Blastein looking at the fishing the Faroe Islands have to offer, in particular for monster Plaice. | |
EP 213. Mick and Matt Coker | |
Recorded in 2017. Some of the most outstanding Cod catches of the 1980's and 1990's were taken aboard the angling boat 'Royal Charlotte' fishing out of Folkestone and Dover with Mick Coker at the helm. With his son Matt now at helm and Mick aboard 'Portia', the pair reflect on the amazing fishing they have provided and shared along their corner of the Kent Coast. | |
EP 212. Peter Bagnall, ABU Atlantic 484. | |
Recorded in 2017. It isn't often that one angler makes an advance in technology so great that it quite literally is a revelation. Peter Bagnall is one such a person. The man responsible for the iconic ABU Atlantic 484 which quite literally took the distance casting and beach angling scene by storm during the 1970's. | |
EP 211. Steve Mills, Thresher Sharks. | |
Recorded in 2017. Anglers of my generation will be familiar with the name Steve Mills. England international, Sea Angler Magazine columnist, dinghy angler, and holder of the Thresher Shark record. Here he talks about all things Thresher Shark. | |
EP 210. Wayne Thomas, Mullet. | |
Recorded in 2017. Mullet tend to be regarded by most sea anglers as uncatchable, and while they are the most widely seen fish swimming around in British coastal waters, they are also the most widely ignored. But not by everybody. Wayne Thomas explains the process of fishing for them. | |
EP 209. Mike Dennehy, Kinsale. | |
Recorded in 2017. Kinsale charter boat skipper Mike Dennehy discusses the recent explosion in Blue Fin Tuna numbers to add to the Albacore and sharks he already regularly fishes. Prospects for Swordfish and a number of lesser known open oceanic species are also explored. | |
EP 208. Lure Fishing, Stephen Lamont. | |
Recorded in 2016. The freedom and drop of a hat potential, not too mention the successes of lure fishing in its various forms, have taken sea angling by storm over recent years. So much that some devottee's do little else. Lure fishing fanatic Stephen Lamont explains. | |
EP 207. Ross Johnson, Species Hunting. | |
Recorded in 2016. With a monster Skate in excess of 170 pounds and Tope topping 50 pounds from the shore, Ross Johnson could be labelled a shore specimen hunter. But that is some way from the truth. In fact, he's just as much at home with his LRF gear chasing mini species in an attempt to catch 100 species in UK waters, and 1000 species worldwide. | |
EP 206. Eddie Weitzel, Essex and Lancashire. | |
Recorded in 2016. Now residing and fishing in Lancashire, Eddie Weitzel, son of 1970's Essex charter boat skipper Arthur Weitzel on whose boat John Rawle and Bod Cod devised uptide fishing, talks of his earliest recollections of the boat and shore fishing on his old home patch, and now along his adopted north-west coast. | |
EP 205. Big Fish Small Boat, Alastair Wilson. | |
Recorded in 2016. For most people, big fish in small trailed boats means at best Tope and Conger, and more likely Huss or Rays. Not over on the Irish small boat scene. Here Alastair Wilson discusses encounters with Blue Sharks, Porbeagles, Common Skate and Blue Fin Tuna aboard his Warrior 165. | |
EP 204. LRF Matches Andy Copeland. | |
Recorded in 2016. Light Rock Fishing (LRF) combines species hunting with light tackle fishing. Here LRF match angler Andy Copeland explains the tactics and rewards around his native north east coast. | |
EP 203. Mark Bowler Sea Trout. | |
Recorded in 2014. Sea Trout numbers in systems draining to Scotlands west coast have slumped dramatically over recent years. Here Fly Fishing and Fly Tying editor Mark Bowler discusses the implications, and arguably the main reason behind the problem. | |
EP 202. Steve Yeomans, Winter Trout. | |
Recorded in 2016. Contrary to widely held opinion, Rainbow Trout are actually a cold water species seasonally better suited to the spring autumn and winter months. Fly fishing school instructor Steve Yeomans explains. | |
EP 201. Mike Thrussell Jr. | |
Recorded in 2015. The availability of top notch up to the minute angling information has come along way since the introduction of the Internet. Arguably the biggest player in all of this has been the website World Sea Fishing, or WSF. Here its creator and MD Mike Thrussell Jr. talks about the concept, history and future of WSF. | |
EP 200. John Quinlan, Irish Bass. | |
Recorded in 2015. Finally, the European Union had conceded that Bass are in danger, and as such have started looking at measures to protect the species, while at the same time pointing the finger of blame at the angling community. Measures which the Irish have already successfully pioneered and trialed. To comment on all of this, plus explain how the Irish fisheries legislators seem to have got things so right, Irish Bass guide John Quinlan has his say. | |
EP 199. Brian Crawford, Power Generastion. | |
Recorded in 2014. As a race of people we need energy. That can come in many forms including fossil fuel burning, nuclear and natural green energy. Unfortunately, each is not without its potential problems to aquatic environments. Physics teacher and IFCA member Brian Crawford has studied the implications of each and gives his verdict here. | |
EP 198. Keith Linsell. Part 2 | |
Recorded in 2014. Back in the 1960's and 70's, angling jounalists rarely carried cameras and magazine illustrations were mainly line drawings or artwork. Heavily involved at that time was artist and angler Keith Linsell who as part of his job had to fish with many of the names we now regard as legends today. | |
EP 197. Keith Linsell, Angling Encounters. | |
Recorded in 2014. Back in the 1960's and 70's, angling jounalists rarely carried cameras and magazine illustrations were mainly line drawings or artwork. Heavily involved at that time was artist and angler Keith Linsell who as part of his job had to fish with many of the names we now regard as legends today. Here Keith reflects on a few of the those big names. | |
EP 196. Chris Clark. | |
Recorded in 2014. Chris Clark is the biggest international medal winner representing England on the shore angling scene, but rates his best win as one particular bronze after a farming accident threatened to leave him wheelchair bound. | |
EP 195. Tim Harrison, Bass Guide. | |
Recorded in 2014. Full time New Quay Bass guide Tim Harrison takes a look at Bass population numbers, Bass tactics, and his own pathway from leaving school without qualifications to heading up the Environment Agency's fishery department in Wales which he then walked away from to concentrate on the Bass. | |
EP 194. Dave Steuart and Kay Steuart. | |
Recorded in 2014. Brian Harris, the renowned editor of the still highly regarded but now sadly no longer with us Angling Magazine, has described Hampshire angler Dave Steuart as the best all rounder this country has ever produced. In additioin to that, Daves late wife Kay who he talks about here was widely regarded as the best female all rounder the UK has ever produced. | |
EP 193. Dave Steuart, Part 2. | |
Recorded in 2014. Brian Harris, the renowned editor of the still highly regarded but now sadly no longer with us Angling Magazine, has described Hampshire angler Dave Steuart as the best all rounder this country has ever produced. Here in part 1 of a two part interview looking at all aspects of his angling life, we explore Dave Steuart's coarse fishing credentials. | |
EP 192. Dave Steuart, Part 1. | |
Recorded in 2014. Brian Harris, the renowned editor of the still highly regarded but now sadly no longer with us Angling Magazine, has described Hampshire angler Dave Steuart as the best all rounder this country has ever produced. Here in part 1 of a two part interview looking at all aspects of his angling life, we explore Dave Steuart's coarse fishing credentials. | |
EP 191. Chris Boagey, FRV Scotia. | |
Recorded in 2014. Chris Boagey is deck boss aboard the Scottish fisheries research vessel Scotia. Here we discuss a range of research topics which will be of interest to sea anglers across the UK. | |
EP 190. Mike Ladle, Science and Bass. | |
Recorded in 2014. Besides being a zoologist and fishery scientist, Dr. Mike Ladle is an acknowledged expert in the art of lure and fly fishing for Bass and Mullet, though other techniques are also discussed. | |
EP 189. Wendy Patchett. | |
Recorded in 2014. Ex-England team captain and multi-medal winning fly angler Wendy Patchett talks about her life in competition fly fishing, offering a range of tips to other up and coming lady anglers. | |
EP 188. Bob Fitchie, Irish Blue Fin Tuna. | |
Recorded in 2014. Around the turn of the century, the west and north coast of Ireland was treated to a short lived run of huge Blue Fin Tuna with fish caught approaching 1,000 pounds. Here Bob Fitchie recounts his memories of one such a trip. | |
EP 187. Mark Bowler, Fly Fishing & Fly Tying. | |
Recorded in 2014. Mark Bowler, editor of the prestigious Fly Fishing & Fly Tying, talks about his amazing rise to owner-editor of the magazine after initial rejections and no formal journalistic training. | |
EP 186. Jason Owen, Charter Boat Engines. | |
Recorded in 2014. Recent times have seen an increasing degree of interest amongst charter boat operators in switching from inboard diesel power to large petrol driven outboard engines. Here, Jason Owen from Pwllheli discusses the pro's and con's of making the switch, and explores some of the new opportunities this should open up for him and his customers. | |
EP 185. Warren Harrison, Record Carp Haul. | |
Recorded in 2014. In September 2014, a trip by Manchester Carp angler Warren Harrison set the media on fire. Two Carp topping 90 lbs apiece, plus others in the 70's and 80's as part of a 2.5 ton haul is the stuff of Carp angling Dreams as Warrem himself explains here. | |
EP 184. David Kent, NFA & AT. | |
Recorded in 2014. The National Federation of Anglers governed coarse angling, and match angling in particular, for just over 100 years. Here ex-NFA Vice Chairman David Kent looks at the history of the NFA sand its new role within the Angling Trust. | |
EP 183. Tony Kirrage Part 2. | |
Recorded in 2014. Tony Kirrage of Tony's Tackle in Eastbourne has represented England on both the Carp and the saltwater shore angling scene. He has also won the Carp world championships. Here he talks openly about all aspects of his angling and business including almost going to the wall with the shop. | |
EP 182. Tony Kirrage Part 1. | |
Recorded in 2014. Tony Kirrage of Tony's Tackle in Eastbourne has represented England on both the Carp and the saltwater shore angling scene. He has also won the Carp world championships. Here he talks openly about all aspects of his angling and business including almost going to the wall with the shop. | |
EP 181. Paul Kilpatrick, Whitby. | |
Recorded in 2014. After a dip in fortunes during the late 1990's, offshore boat angling at Whitby is right up there again with the best. But tactically speaking, there is absolutely no resemblance to what went before. Gone are the jiggers and muppets replaced by shads, bait and uptide fishing, pioneered for the most part by 'Sea Otter 2' skipper Paul Kilpatrick. | |
EP 180. Dr. Malcolm Greenhalge, Fly Fishing Characters. | |
Recorded in 2014. Behind the names accompanying books and articles in the world of angling are a range of characters which the reading public by and large get to know very little about. Here Dr. Malcolm Greenhalge enlightens us on a few of those he has come across on the game angling scene. | |
EP 179. Dr. Malcolm Greenhalge. | |
Recorded in 2014. Dr. Malcolm Greenhalge is one of the most respected names on the game angling circuit, with particular emphasis on wild running water fishing. Here he talks about his early formative years and expresses a wide range of views in a manner best desctibed as a real down to earth no nonsense reality check. | |
EP 178. Mike Thrussell. | |
Recorded in 2014. Ever since the 1970's, Mike Thrussell has been making a wide range of contributions to sea angling through magazine articles, books, TV, radio, and as an angling tackle consultant, and as such, he has had a say in the successes of a lot of other anglers along the way. And being of that generation, he is also fortunate to have mixed with several of the sea angling greats of the past - something he also reflects on here. | |
EP 177. Dave Taylor, Off The Shelf. | |
Recorded in 2014. With the writing on the fall for distant water trawling, the Whitefish Authority financed a number of experimental trawling trips along the edge of the continental slope looking for new fish species to eat. The last of those trips was made by the Fleetwood trawler 'Jacinta'. On that trip was Dave Taylor who talks about the experience. | |
EP 176. Terry Moseley, Disabled Angling, Part 2. | |
Recorded in 2014. Disabled in a sports accident while serving with the parachute regiment, Terry Moseley has almost singled handedly dragged the provision of access for disabled anglers kicking and screaming into the 21st century. He's also won his share of national and international medals in the process. | |
EP 175. Terry Moseley, Disabled Angling, Part 1. | |
Recorded in 2014. Disabled in a sports accident while serving with the parachute regiment, Terry Moseley has almost singled handedly dragged the provision of access for disabled anglers kicking and screaming into the 21st century. He's also won his share of national and international medals in the process. | |
EP 174. Neil Farnworth, CAST. | |
Recorded in 2014. CAST North west is a Lancashire based charitable organisation set up and operated by Neil Farnworth with the aim of bringing dis-affected youngsters into education and training by using angling as a primary tool for grabbing their interest. | |
EP 173. Steve Souter, Sea Matches. | |
Recorded in 2014. Steve Souter has had, and continues to have, a glittering international career fishing for Scotland where he has won, often on multiple occasions, all that has been put in front of him. But being so successful is no accident, as he explains, along with his thoughts on a range of other topics. | |
EP 172. Carl McCormack, Coarse Coaching. | |
Recorded in 2014. Once seen as something you might consider on say a foreign holiday, these days, more than ever before, the services of coarse angling coaches are being sought by youngsters, beginners, and people returning to fishing after a long break. Satisfying that demand are people like Carl McCormack, who besides helping his customers, has also coached his 12 year old son Callum to gold in the junior national championships. | |
EP 171. Brian Harris Part 2. | |
Recorded in 2014. Ask anglers of a certain age which was the best fishing magazine ever published and most will say Creel which later evolved into Angling edited by Brian Harris, a man who along with most the contributors he recruited, is held in equally high esteem. Here Brian joins us for a two part interview about all things connected with his angling life. | |
EP 170. Brian Harris Part 1. | |
Recorded in 2014. Ask anglers of a certain age which was the best fishing magazine ever published and most will say Creel which later evolved into Angling edited by Brian Harris, a man who along with most the contributors he recruited, is held in equally high esteem. Here Brian joins us for a two part interview about all things connected with his angling life. | |
EP 169. Chris Ogborne, Bass Fly Guide. | |
Recorded in 2014. Chris Ogborne is one of those rare people to make the grade as multiple world champion fly fisherman, then switch codes to take up guiding fly fishermen at sea. In particular for Bass, though the game fishing side of things for pleasure hasn't been entirely dropped. | |
EP 168. Dave Pakes, Commercial Rod and Line Fishing. | |
Recorded in 2014. Commercial rod and line fishing for Bass is no different to recreational fishing upto the point of selling the fish, which if all the necessary paperwork is in place, is the most sustainable method of commercial fishing out there. One other key difference is that the commercials also catch more fish, something we anglers could perhaps learn of a few lessons from. | |
EP 167. Danny Parkins, HRF and LRF. | |
Recorded in 2014. Light Rock Fishing (LRF) and Heavy Rock Fishing (HRF) are two lure based techniques which have really grabbed the shore fishing scene over recent times. HRF in particular for big Ballan Wrasse, which regular practitioner Danny Parkins talks about in great detail here. | |
EP 166. Danny Parkins, Night Pike Fishing. | |
Recorded in 2014. When you talk about lure fishing for big Pike, probably the last thing you would expect to hear is a recommendation to do it after dark. Here Pike enthusiast Danny Parkins puts the case for nocturnal lure fishing. | |
EP 165. Sarah Collins, Get Hooked on Fishing. | |
Recorded in 2014. Get Hooked on Fishing CEO Sarah Collins discusses the aims and successes of a charitable project designed to promote fishing to younger people, and in particular those with social problems. | |
EP 164. Alex MacDonald, Sakuma Hooks. | |
Recorded in 2014. Alex MacDonald, MD of hook designers, manufacturers and importers Sakuma, talks about all aspects of hook design, choice and useage. | |
EP 163. Jim Whippy. | |
Recorded in 2014. Arguably the most widely capped England boat fishing international ever, Jim Whippy talks about his sea fishing and his time at the helm of some of the countries best known sea angling magazines. | |
EP 162. Tim Macpherson, Kingmere Bream. | |
Recorded in 2014. Black Bream and their habitat along the iconic Kingmere Rocks in Sussex are currently under so much threat that a capaign group has been set up to try to reverse the trend before all is lost. Instrumental within that group is Tim Macpherson who joins us here to explain the problem, and how both it and the potential remedies could have profound knock on consequences for other ailing fisheries around the UK. | |
EP 161. Alex MacDonald, Gilthead Bream. | |
Recorded in 2014. Gilthead Bream first appeared on the scene in the 1980's, initially as occasional migrants, but eventually establisahing themselves as regular visitors to certain estuaries in the west country where a targeted fishery has sprung up tapping into their hard fighting capabilities. Here Alex MacDonald of Sakuma Tackle sings the praises of the species. | |
EP 160. Tommy Flower, Carp | |
Recorded in 2014. Carp are the 'in' fish currently on the coarse fishing scene, and while it hasn't always been that way, Tommy Flower wasn't around in the pre-boillie commercial fishing era, so who better to ask for a different perspective on the subject. | |
EP 159. Alex MacDonald, Redgills. | |
Recorded in 2014. The most iconic lure of the twentieth century has to be the Redgill. A small rubber eel devised by Alex Ingram of Mevagissey which revolutionised the world of wreck fishing. Now a part of the Sakuma portfolio and still catching lots of fish, particularly now from the shore, here Sakuma MD Alex MacDonald looks at the lure and its history. | |
EP 158. Leon Roskilly, Angling Politics. | |
Recorded in 2014. Most anglers prefer to leave their hobby related politics to a small number of able volunteers who tirelessly work on our behalf. The least we could do then is support them. But to do this, we first need to understand the issues. Here Leon Roskilly explains, IFCA's, MCZ's, and the Sea Angling 2012 survey. | |
EP 157. Leon Roskilly, Mullet. | |
Recorded in 2014. To most sea anglers, Mullet are looked upon as either un-catchable or hardly worth the massive amount of effort required for precious little return. But with the right approach, that need not always be the case. Leon Roskilly explains. | |
EP 156. Paul Maris, Billfish. | |
Recorded in 2014. Part two of a two part interview with Essex Boy Paul Maris. This episode looks at the Essex Boys big fish exploits abroad, and in particular the Marlin World Cup and completing the Billfish royal slam. | |
EP 155. Ally Gowans Salmon Fishing. | |
Recorded in 2014. Ally Gowans is arguably the most inventive and skilled angler on the current Salmon fishing scene. His fly the Ally Shrimp was voted by Salmon anglers as the fly of the millenium. Here he discusses this and some of his other patterns, plus the fish weight calculator, conservation, fly fishing history, and of course Salmon fly fishing itself. | |
EP 154. Eddie Mounce, Thailand. | |
Recorded in 2014. Eddie Mounce set up Fish Thailand as a business while back packing after graduating from university with a degree in fisheries management. Here he talks about the wonderful fishing, the fisheries and the future of targeting some of the biggest freshwater fish in the world. | |
EP 153. Paul Maris Big Fish UK. | |
Recorded in 2014. Paul Maris, who is one of the Essex Boys, talks here about his big saltwater fish exploits in the UK, including the biggest ever one man one day Common Skate haul which saw him constantly playing big fish for well over 4 hours. | |
EP 152. Didier Dellanoy. | |
Recorded in 2013. French 2013 world coarse fishing individual gold medal winner Didier Dellanoy offers his thoughts on his win, his behind the scenes preparation including practise here in the UK, and the current England set up during a stay with multiple world champions Alan and Sandra Scotthorne. | |
EP 151. Dave Trafford. | |
Recorded in 2013. Back in the 1970's, Dave Trafford was a keen and successful coarse match angler who took a time out from angling, 25 years in fact, before coming back onto the canal match angling scene, by which time so much had changed. Now able to compare and contrast the two era's which were a generation apart, here Dave takes a look at those changes, plus his current match situation. | |
EP 150. John Bamford, River Yarrow | |
Recorded in 2013. While the group Friends of the River Yarrow formed primarily to ensure the entire environment on and around the River Yarrow in Lancashire has been restored, there is no no denying that fish have probably been the main beneficiaries. It has quite literally gone from running sewer to running Salmon, and stands out as an object lesson to others who may want to restore lost fisheries to their former glory. | |
EP 149. Sandra Scotthorn. | |
Recorded in 2013. Ladies in angling are quite a rare commodity. Ladies in Coarse match angling well capable of taking on and beating their males counterparts are almost unheard of. Here five times world team gold medal winner and twice individual world chsampion Sandra Scotthorne takes an in depth look at the ladies international scene. | |
EP 148. Alan Scotthorne. | |
Recorded in 2013. With 5 world individual titles and numerous team titles, Alan Scotthorne is without equal the greatest coarse angler in the history or international match fishing. | |
EP 147. Richard Peirce, Shark Trust. | |
Recorded in 2013. Shark Trust and Shark Conservation Society Chairman Richard Peirce discusses Sharks in UK waters, and looks at the role anglers both can and do play in the science behind the trust's work. Suggestions for better handling and conservation generally by anglers is also discussed. | |
EP 146. Dick Clegg. | |
Recorded in 2013. Without doubt, Dick Clegg has been not only the most successful national team manager in coarse fishing history, but also most successful manager in any sport engaged in by participants representing this country, resulting in an OBE and an MBE to add to his many trophies and gold medal wins, all of which, along with other aspects of his life, he discusses in candid detail here. | |
EP 145. Roger Beer, Shore Rays. | |
Recorded in 2013. Shore Ray expert Roger discusses his tactics and tackle for catching an assortment of big Rays from a variety of Devon rock marks, catches that have included shore records for both the Small Eyed and Spotted Ray. | |
EP 144. Graeme Pullen, Blue Shark On The Fly. | |
Recorded in 2013. Two Blue Shark trips producing a fly caught specimen and the biggest ever trailed boat haul squeezed in between catching a monster Porbeagle and a monster Thresher Shark, again both dinghy caught, recalled by Graeme Pullen. | |
EP 143. Prof. Mark Everard, Roach | |
Recorded in 2013. With hundreds of 2 pound plus and many 3 pound plus Roach to his credit, Mark Everard is the countries foremost expert on the subject of Roach angling and all aspects concerning its biology. Mark is also the author of a number of books on the subject, and joins us here to talk over all aspects of his Roach fishing life. | |
EP 142. Michael Salmon, Secretary BASS. | |
Recorded in 2013. Currently in its 40th year, BASS the Bass Angling Sportfishing Society is an organisation devoted to getting Bass the species firmly re-established in a sustainable way on the UK sea angling scene. Here the organisations secretary Michael Salmon explains. | |
EP 141. Wayne Comben, Threshers & Porbeagles. | |
Recorded in 2013. In the course of just over a year, fishing from a trailed boat, Wayne Comben caught a record plus Porbeagle, a record plus Thresher, and along with Graeme Pullen, boated Blue Shark on the fly, and the largest small boat single session haul of Blue Sharks ever in the UK. Here Wayne relives those experiences. | |
EP 140. John Inman, Commercial Coarse Fisheries. | |
Recorded in 2013. Small commercial coarse fisheries and smaller numbers of anglers match fishing have led to a real change in matchg fishing attitudes over recent times. Here Bolton matchman John Inman assesses the value of these fisheries, and the best techniques to extract the biggest number and greatest variety of fish from them. | |
EP 139. John Inman, Canals, Nationals and Squats. | |
Recorded in 2013. Coarse match angling, and in particular club matches on canals seems to have lost it's appeal over recent times. Here canal expert John Inman looks back over his very successful time match fishing canals, and in particular with his key bait, the squat. | |
EP 138. Allan Everington, Fly Fishing For Pollack | |
Recorded in 2013. Scotlands Mull of Galloway is a world class Pollack Fishery where good numbers of excellent fish come within range of fly fishing techniques from a small boat close in to shore. Here Allan Everington, who has bettered existing IGFA tippet records for the species on a number of occasions, talks through the tackle and the tactics required. | |
EP 137. Andy Griffith, Shark Grand Slam | |
Recorded in 2013. It's been over 40 years since a Mako Shark has been caught in UK waters. Then Andy Griffith comes on the scene fishing with Andrew Alsop out from Milford Haven, and takes a world first grand slam of a Blue Shark, Porbeagle and Mako all over 100 pounds and in the same day. | |
EP 136. Dave Lumley, Hartlepool. | |
Recorded in 2013. The charter angling boat 'Famous' has operated out from Hartlepool under a number of different guises and skippers at her helm. Currently a purpose built Blyth Cat, here her skipper Dave Lumley looks at the fishing in this corner of the North Sea and reflects back to the boats earliest days in the hands of Tom Williams during the 1970's. | |
EP 135. Mike Heylin, British Record Fish Committee Part 2. | |
Recorded in 2013. Part 2 of a 2 part interview. As chairman of the British Record Fish Committee, Mike Heylin knows only too well the depth and breadth of the job his committee faces to drag itself into the 21st century, a fact highlighted by an array of often awkward questions, all of which he takes here in his stride. | |
EP 134. Mike Heylin, British Record Fish Committee Part 1. | |
Recorded in 2013. Part 1 of a two part interview. As chairman of the British Record Fish Committee, Mike Heylin knows only too well the depth and breadth of the job his committee faces to drag itself into the 21st century, a fact highlighted by an array of often awkward questions, all of which he takes here in his stride. | |
EP 133. Tony Lofthouse, Fishermans Friends, Fleetwood. | |
Recorded in 2013. Fishermans Friend is a small medicinal lozenge produced in Fleetwood, originally to aid the fishing industry in the 1860's, but more recently as a remedy of global marketing importance in a wide range of flavours and strengths. Here MD Tony Lofthouse talks about the history of the company and its commercial fishing links. | |
EP 132. Alex Wilkie, Everything on the fly. | |
Recorded in 2013. If it can possibly be caught on the fly, Alex Wilkie will try for it, both in freshwater and at sea. Even fish which many think are impossible on the fly, Wilkie will try for them and has had more than his fair share of success. Here he talks through those fly fishing ambitions and successes, with a full run down of the tackle and tactics required. | |
EP 131. James Thorburn, Tope and Spurdog Tagging. | |
Recorded in 2013. After working as projects officer for the Scottish Sea Angling Conservation Network gathering in and processing tag recapture data from Luce Bay, Loch Etive and the Firth of Lorne, James Thorburn was offered the chance of turning the project into a full Ph.D. Here he talks about the project and its preliminary findings at the end of a day tagging out in Luce Bay. | |
EP 130. Dr. Paul Gaskell, Trout In The Town. | |
Recorded in 2013. Why should urban and city centre streams and rivers be effluent channels or rubbish dumps, and why should potential fish habitat be deprived of that main ingredient in the recipe, the fish themselves. Here Dr. Paul Gaskell looks at an initiative he manages to bring fish back to city centre locations through the Trout In The Town Project. | |
EP 129. Brian Crawford, Freshwater Eels. | |
Recorded in 2013. As well as being a big Eel angler and author of two books on the subject of Eels and Eel fishing, Brian Crawford has also held a number of posts within both the National Angilla Club and the European Eel Angling Association, and is therefore very well placed to talk on all topics related to the subject. | |
EP 128. Andy Steele, England Shore Team Manager. | |
Recorded in 2013. Ex-England shore fishing team member, selector and manager, plus current SAMF secretary Andy Steele talks over a range of topics regarding international shore fishing qualification, selection and duties. | |
EP 127. Gerry Foote, Gerry's of Morecambe. | |
Recorded in 2013. If you want to know anything worth knowing about angling trends, or the recent evolution of fishing across each of its disciplines, the best person to ask is one of the big players in the retail fishing tackle trade, and in that regard, few are better placed than Gerry Foote who for many years has owned and operated the tackle shop, mail order and worldwide online tackle business Gerry's of Morecambe. | |
EP 126. Keith Philbin, Fleetwood Charter History. | |
Recorded in 2013. Fleetwood rose to prominence as the North Wests premier charter angling port during the 1970's, a position it held until the mid 1980's, when through the recession years of the Thatcher government, and costly fundamental changes to licensing rules, it suddenly nosed dived into decline to the point where there were no boats at all. That number has now risen to two. Here Kieth Philbin who operated two of the boats in Fleetwoods hey day talks about the rise fall of the ports fortunes. | |
EP 125. Mike Roden, Tenkara Fishing. | |
Recorded in 2013. The ancient art of Tenkara fishing was developed in Japan for purely practical reasons, and again for practical reasons, it has recently been introduced to the UK where it is used to exploit running water wild Trout and Grayling situations in a way that conventional fly fishing cannot hope to match. Here Tenkara Centre UK director and game fishing instructor Mike Roden explains. | |
EP 124. Michael McVeigh, Irish Blue Fin Tuna. | |
Recorded in 2013. Though they had probably been there for many hundreds of years, back in 2000, it was suddenly realised that huge Blue Fin Tuna were running up the west coast of Ireland very close in to the shore, and that through a process of trial and error, they could in fact be caught on rod and line there. Adrian Molloy eventually took the record up to 968 pounds. The other key player in all of this was Downings charter skipper Michael McVeigh who charts the rise and fall of Tuna fishing for us here off the Donegal coast. | |
EP 123. Luke Aston, Irish Thousand Pound Sharks . | |
Recorded in 2013. The largest verified fish caught around Britain and Ireland was a Six Gilled Shark of 1056 pounds taken in 2009 aboard Luke Astons boat Clare Dragon based at Carrigaholt on Irelands River Shannon Estuary. That said, his clients have caught and released at least three bigger fish, plus other Six Gills in smaller weight categories. Here Luke Aston talks about his encounters with these enormous fish. | |
EP 122. Ken Robinson, North East Shore Angling. | |
Recorded in 2013. Ken Robinson is one of the best know shore match anglers on his native north east coast. An area of excellent fishing prospects. But equally, an area of extremes with regard to terrain and the tactics and ability to extract the best from what's on offer. Here he discusses tackle, tactics, bait, venues and species, offering advice on how to be in with the best shot of a result. | |
EP 121. Dr. Dietrich Burkel, Scottish Skate Tagging Program. | |
Recorded in 2013. The Common Skate tagging program that has done so much to bring the Scottish population back from near collapse is taken for granted these days. But back in the early 1970's when the species received no help or protection, even from anglers, it was a very different matter. Here Dr. Dietrich Burkel talks about how he helped set the program up, then reflects on its success over the intervening 40 years with SSACN now firmly in control of the project. | |
EP 120. Dr. Dietrich Burkel, Scotlands First Porbeagle. | |
Recorded in 2013. Controversey has surrounded the catching of Scotlands first ever Porbeagle Shark by Dr. Dietrich Burkel off the Mull of Galloway back in 1970. Here Dietrich Burkel gives the definitive version of events which should now lay the issue finally to rest. | |
EP 119. Mike Winrow, Gravel Pits. | |
Recorded in 2013. For still water species of coarse fish, far and away the most productive in terms of individual growth, particularly for Bream and Tench, are gravel pits left to fill with water when extraction work is finished. Here coarse specimen hunter Mike Winrow explores the productivity, capability, and getting the best from them tactically with particular emphasis on specimen Bream and Tench. | |
EP 118. Ken Robinson, Shore Big Game Fishing. | |
Recorded in 2013. Fishing abroad for hard fighting warm water game fish species can be a costly business if you fish from a boat or with a guide. Here shore angler Ken Robinson gives away a wealth of tips and locations for going it alone in Europe and America, with some quite spectacular results. | |
EP 117. Mike Winrow, Specimen Perch. | |
Recorded in 2013. Perch were once a prolific fish. Then in the 1960's, shallow ulcer disease all but wiped the species out in the UK. Now nearly 50 years on, from those few resistant survivors, the Perch is back. But in the process, the balance of power in terms of which fisheries have the ability to produce specimen sized Perch has changed radically. Here Mike Winrow explains. | |
EP 116. John Wilkinson, River Lostock. | |
Recorded in 2013. Back in the 1960's, the River Lostock in Lancashire was devoid of fish. Now in 2013 it's full of the things ranging from coarse species to Brown Trout. There's even talk of Salmon. Here John Wilkinson talks about the fish and the fishing, while Phill Williams explains how they came to be there in the first place. | |
EP 115. Phill Williams, The Target. | |
Recorded in 2013. Back in the 1980's, Phill Williams set himself a target of 100 UK fish species, 300 worldwide fish species, a double figure wild trout, a 100 pound fish in freshwater, a 200 pound fish from a trailed boat, a 200 pound fish from the shore, and a 1000 pound fish from anywhere. In addition there was to be a British, a European and a World record fish, plus a fisheries based Ph.D. This is the story of that quest. | |
EP 114. Dr. Ruth Thurstan, Fishing Pressure. | |
Recorded in 2013. As anglers, we've all seen change, particularly in the numbers and sizes of our more popular fish species. But this has been going on since the 14th century. Here, Dr. Ruth Thustan looks at historical catch data and relates this to what we are seeing in terms of fish numbers today, and projects this on to what we can also expect in the future. | |
EP 113. Mike Winrow, Ribble Barbel. | |
Recorded in 2013. The River Ribble in Lancashire was illegally stocked with Barbel during the 1970's. By the turn of the century, it was producing some of the biggest specimens in the country. Lancashire Barbel fanatic Mike Winrow explains. | |
EP 112. David Turner, The Last Mako. | |
Recorded in 2013. As the captor of the last Mako Shark in UK waters back in 1971, and having thoroughly researched the species for his new book The Shark Hunter, David Turner tells us all we need to know on the subject of Mako Shark fishing. | |
EP 111. Ken Robinson, Scottish Shore Specimens. | |
Recorded in 2013. It's not that long ago that fish which would make the angling press these days even from a boat, were regularly being caught from the shore in Scotland. Absolute monster Cod in particular. Then suddenly, they were gone. Here Scottish Cod record holder Ken Robinson reflects on the fishing back then, what happened to it, and recounts the day of his record catch. | |
EP 110. Dr. Stephen Atkins, CEO IFCA. | |
Recorded in 2013. In 2011, Sea Fishery Committee's, which were responsible for policing inshore fishing activities, were replaced by Inshore Fishery and Conservation Authorities with seats on those authorities being given to various stakeholder groups including angling. Here North West IFCA Chief Executive Officer Dr. Stephen Atkins explains the working of an IFCA, plus explores measures which could be employed to help boost Bass numbers both regionally and nationally. | |
EP 109. Robin Vinnicombe, Falmouth Mako's | |
Recorded in 2012. From his first Mako encounter in the late 1950's up to the last ever British Mako Shark catch in 1971 which was aboard his Falmouth based boat 'Huntress', Robin Vinnicombe accounted for 1 in 3 of all Mako Sharks ever landed from UK waters. Now well into his 70's and wheelchair bound following a stroke, here he guides us through a detailed look at how he achieved what he did with this most enigmatic and highly prized angling Shark species. | |
EP 108. John Holden, Distance Casting | |
Recorded in 2013. Far and away the most influential shore angler/distance caster of the past 40 years has to be Essex based John Holden. A former distance record holder, casting instructor and current stalwart at Sea Angler Magazine, here is a man who knows everything there is to know on this particular topic and is willing to share that experience with us all here. | |
EP 107. Harry Whiteside, Ribble Salmon Netsman. | |
Recorded in 2012. Anglers and commercial fishermen will always be on opposite sides of the fence. But to understand any potential threat, anglers need to appreciate the commercial side of things too. This is particularly true of Salmon netting. Here Ribble Salmon netter Harry Whiteside talks the subject through. | |
EP 106. Charles Inniss, Fishing Inns | |
Recorded in 2012. Angling Inns were once a common feature in parts of the UK with none more famous than the Half Moon at Sheepwash in Devon run by Charles Inniss. A life long Salmon and Sea Trout angler, Charles Inniss also ran 10 miles of the River Torridge, was secretary of the Torridge Angling Association, and knows much regarding the angling history this classic game fishing river. | |
EP 105. Mike Weaver, Wild Trout Trust. | |
Recorded in 2012. As a founding member and former chairman of the Wild Trout Trust, Mike Weaver MBE talks us through the formation of the organisation, its aims and its successes, plus reflects back on his Trout fishing career with some insight into his thinking, tackle and tactics. | |
EP 104. Sid Pender, Mounts Bay Angling Society. | |
Recorded in 2012. Mounts Bay Sea Angling society is one of the oldest sea angling clubs in the country, and here its elder statesman Sid Pender, who has held most positions of office within the club, takes a detailed look at the organisation, fishing generally in the Penzance area, and how the future of Cornish sea angling looks. | |
EP 103. Alan Yates, SAMF. | |
Recorded in 2012. Arguably, one of the most influential England shore anglers of his day and without equal on the open match circuit, Folkestone angler and Sea Angler contributor Alan Yates talks about his match angling career and how he would ultimately become a founding member of the Sea Anglers Match Federation or SAMF. | |
EP 102. John Horsey, International Fly Fishing. | |
Recorded in 2012. John Horsey, England's most successful international fly fisherman ever with 6 world championship gold medals to his credit, discusses the whole concept of international fly fishing competitions. | |
EP 101. Mel Russ Sea, Angler Magazine Editor. | |
Recorded in 2012. Sea Angler magazine editor Mel Russ talks through the history of Britains most successful ever sea angling magazine, from its birth in 1972 to present, and from its early black and white days to going electronic and inter-active in 2012. | |
EP 100. Sandy Armishaw, Angling Heritage | |
Recorded in 2012. Angling Heritage is a bespoke angling history repository with full charitable status, the patrons of which are Fred Buller and Chris Yates. Here its founder Sandy Armishaw explains fully what the organisations remit is, and how anyone and everyone can become involved. | |
Ep 99. James Pinder, Salmon Perceptions. | |
Recorded in 2012. Salmon fishing is seen by many as elitist, expensive, even snobbish, and there are many reasons why this might be so. But is it really any or all of those things. Here Salmon purist James Pinder explores a wide range of perceptions and misconceptions while also delving into the politics of it all to challenge those views. | |
EP 98. John Horsey, Pike On Fly. | |
Recorded in 2012. Fly fishing for novel species is anglings big growth area currently, and for the most part in freshwater, that means Pike. In particular, Chew Valley Lake in Somerset is the place to go, preferably with six times world fly fishing champion John Horsey who operates there as a full time guide. Here, for those preferring to do it on their own, John spells out the do's and dont's that should lead to success. | |
EP 97. Pete Shaw, Exposed Coast Kayak Fishing. | |
Recorded in 2012. Kayak instructor and angler Pete Shaw gives a detailed insight into kitting out, handling, and fishing from a beach launched kayak along an exposed west facing piece of coastline. | |
EP 96. Phill Williams at BBC Radio Lancashire. | |
Recorded in 2012. Interview by Martin James for his BBC Radio Lancashire angling series At The Waters Edge. | |
Ep 95. Sven Hille, Baltic Salmon Trolling | |
Recorded in 2012. Due to its brackish nature, the Baltic Sea increases in salinity with depth, and decreases in salinity the further north and east you go. As a result, anglers are able to catch Salmon, Sea Trout, Cod, Pike and Garfish from the same spot, on the same gear, and in the same day. Obviously these fish also have preferences. Here German angler Sven Hille lays the whole situation on the line. | |
EP 94. Graeme Pullen Carp Falacies | |
Recorded in 2012. New comers to Carp fishing could be forgiven for thinking that electronic alarms, boillies and bivvies are the key requirements for success. Well it would seem not. Here Graeme Pullen explores an alternative approach to Carp which not only catches lots of fish, but often does so when the boillie men don't see enough action to get them out of their bed chairs. | |
Ep 93. Bill Briggs, White Water Worming For Salmon | |
Recorded in 2012. While it isn't held in the highest esteem amongst purist Salmon anglers, upstream white water worming is not only a very skilful way of catching Salmon in low water conditions, but if done properly, as Bill explains in minute detail here, can sometimes be the only way to fish on all rivers some of the time, and on some rivers pretty much all of the time. | |
Ep 92. Tony Bridge, Gantocks Cod | |
Recorded in 2012. Back in the late 1960's to mid 70's, the place to be for monster Cod from a small boat was Scotland's inner Clyde, and in particular, a mark known as the Gantocks, immortalised by three Edinburgh anglers known as The Trio. Then almost overnight it was cleaned out never to be re-seeded. Fishing at that time with The Trio was Tony Bridge who gives us an insight into the fishing over The Gantocks mark, and also offers up some reasons for its rapid decline. | |
Ep 91. Wayne Comben, Plaice Fishing | |
Recorded in 2012. Plaice are one of those species which all anglers love to catch. They are also a species which commercial fishermen prize, on top of which, when you do find them, they can be there in big numbers and are therefore vulnerable. Here Wayne Comben tells how best to approach all aspects of their catching, with a few cautionary examples of how best to ensure that they will continue to be there year on year. | |
EP 90. Graeme Pullen, North Cornish Porbeagles | |
Recorded in 2012. Graeme Pullen lifts the lid on North Cornwall's inshore Porbeagle Sharks, then as an addendum, describes the day he and Wayne Comben caught and filmed the largest Shark ever caught in British waters in May 2012. | |
EP 89. Chris Ball, History of Carp | |
Recorded in 2012. Carp historian and legendary surface feeding carp stalker Chris Ball discusses the history of the species introduction to Britain, charting its advance in both size and prowess through to Richard Walkers 44 pound Redmire record Clarissa. | |
EP 88. Chris Ball, Carp Reflections | |
Recorded in 2012. Carp historian and legendary surface feeding carp stalker Chris Ball discusses his early formative years and his advancement through both the weight ranks and fishery ranks up to the present time. | |
EP 87. Mike Millman Part 2 | |
Recorded in 2012. Think of the West Country and big fish from those parts, and to some extent, veteran sea angler Mike Millman will have been involved. An angling journalist for over 40 years and now into his 80's, Mike looks back on the many highlights from what can only be described as the golden era of sea angling. | |
EP 86. Mike Millman Part 1 | |
Recorded in 2012. Think of the West Country and big fish from those parts, and to some extent, veteran sea angler Mike Millman will have been involved. An angling journalist for over 40 years and now into his 80's, Mike looks back on the many highlights from what can only be described as the golden era of sea angling. | |
EP 85. Martin James Part 2 | |
Recorded in 2012. While angling journalist and broadcaster Martin James may well have originated in Kent, as the voice behind BBC Radio Lancashire's At The Waters Edge, he is well known to many throughout the North West for his probing interviews. Here, in a reversal of roles, he is on the receiving end of the questions, looking back over his long and varied angling career. | |
EP 84. Martin James Part 1 | |
Recorded in 2012. While angling journalist and broadcaster Martin James may well have originated in Kent, as the voice behind BBC Radio Lancashire's At The Waters Edge, he is well known to many throughout the North West for his probing interviews. Here, in a reversal of roles, he is on the receiving end of the questions, looking back over his long and varied angling career. | |
EP 83. Margaret Owen, Salmon Haaf Netting | |
Recorded in 2012. As always, there are two sides to every debate, and so far as Salmon and Sea Trout are concerned, anglers think that commercial netsmen are responsible for taking far too many fish. Here Salmon Haaf netter Margaret Owen talks about the sustainability of her fishing in the estuary of the River Lune. | |
EP 82. Gerd Masselink, Coastal Engineering | |
Recorded in 2012. Quite often, shorelines and their fish holding features, plus waters edge conditions and for small boat launching, are the result of work done by coastal engineers. Some times these can be beneficial while on other occasions less so. Here Professor Gerd Masselink discusses specific engineering features and their potential effects on sea angling using examples from Blackpool and Morecambe as specific case studies. | |
EP 81. Wayne Comben, Rays | |
Recorded in 2012. Langstone small boat angler Wayne Comben talks about the tackle and tactics required to catch his favourite fish, the rays, five species of which he has caught on several occasions all in the same day. | |
EP 80. Kathy Barco, Florida Fisheries Commission | |
Recorded in 2012. Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission chairman Kathy Barco explains how state funded organisation has restored its coastal fish stocks from a very low ebb some years to a level which now supports a multi billion dollar sport fishery, allowing it to justifiably call itself the sport fishing capital of the world. | |
EP 79. Chris Ball, Surface Fish For Carp | |
Recorded in 2012. Carp historian and legendary surface feeding carp stalker Chris Ball discusses this his favourite subject covering everything from tackle and tactics through to baits and feeding. | |
EP 78. Ian Gaskell, Competitive Fly Fishing | |
Recorded in 2012. Ian Gaskell, winner of the Lexus European fly fishing championship at Chew Valley gives a no holds barred detailed explanation of all aspects of competitive fly fishing using the loch style approach from a drifting boat. | |
EP 77. Peter Arlott River Kennet | |
Recorded in 2012. The Aldermaston Mill day ticket stretch of the River Kennet has been in the Arlott family for many years. Here river keeper Peter Arlott talks about the many problems the Kennet and other rivers in the vicinity currently face from water shortages, predation, and alien species. He also discusses fishing for quality Barbel. | |
EP 76. Roger Beer Conger | |
Recorded in 2012. To catch a Conger in excess of 50 pounds from the shore is incredible. To catch a Conger in excess of 100 pounds from the boat is equally so. To actually catch both would be amazing. Here Devon angler Roger Beer, the only angler ever to have achieved this feat, talks about all things Conger, particularly catching them from the shore. | |
EP 75. Simon Clarke Catfish | |
Recorded in 2012. Despite being an alien species, unlike Zander, Wels Catfish have been welcomed by coarse specimen hunters, tempered by the fact that they have not exploded throughout the UK in the same way that the Zander did. Catfish Conservation Group secretary Simon Clarke explores their history, habitat and feeding requirements, and most important of all, how to catch them successfully on rod and line both in the UK and on the continent. | |
EP 74. Justin Anwyl Bass Fly Fishing Part 2 | |
Recorded in 2012. Though popular in the USA, salt-water fly fishing is still in its infancy in the UK. Here, in a 2 part interview, Chichester Bass fly fishing guide Justin Anwyl gives a very detailed and all inclusive insight into the subject from the British perspective. | |
EP 73. Justin Anwyl Bass Fly Fishing Part 1 | |
Recorded in 2012. Though popular in the USA, salt-water fly fishing is still in its infancy in the UK. Here, in a 2 part interview, Chichester Bass fly fishing guide Justin Anwyl gives a very detailed and all inclusive insight into the subject from the British perspective. | |
EP 72. JJ McVicar Plymouth Wrecks | |
Recorded in 2012. Though not the man who sparked off angler interest in wreck fishing back in the 1970's, Plymouth skipper of the 'June Lipet' JJ McVicar is most certainly the name best remembered from that period, and rightly so, for his exploits with massive catches of record breaking Pollack, Coalfish and Anglerfish. | |
Ep 71. Dave Schultz Wind & Waves | |
Recorded in 2012. Understanding and interpreting weather forecasts, while it may well be a science, and an inaccurate science at that, is crucial to all who put to sea in boats, including anglers. Here Dr. Dave Schultz explains in layman's terms how to get the best out of the weather information available. | |
Ep 70. Dave Roper World Coarse Fishing Champion | |
Recorded in 2012. Against the odds, using maggots under a waggler from a conventional rod and reel outfit, Preston pole and bloodworm expert Dave Roper beat the Italians into second place on their own patch fishing the River Arno in Italy to be crowned 1985 world individual coarse fishing champion. | |
EP 69. George Hemsworth Fresh v Frozen Bait | |
Recorded in 2012. Throughout the famed Fylde Coast Jumbo Cod era, besides going out in his own small boat rod fishing, Blackpool angler George Hemsworth also set lines on the beach on the winter night tides, taking Cod far bigger than anything ever taken on rod and line. | |
EP 68. Stuart McCoy Barrow-In-Furness | |
Recorded in 2011. Renewable energy such as that from offshore wind-farms is supposedly green energy, yet here we have the story of Barrow-In-Furness charter boat skipper Stuart McCoy being prevented from picking up customers by energy company DONG, and of problems caused by electro magnetic fields from their power cables affecting fish, in particular Tope. | |
EP 67. Les Hall Cod Wars | |
Recorded in 2012. The last of the three Cod Wars between Britain and Iceland left the UK fishing fleet banned from within Iceland's 200 mile unilaterally declared territorial limit, and our home ports such as Fleetwood doomed to terminal decline. But before the retreat, there were many skirmishes and incidents, many of which were never reported. Here Fleetwood trawler chief engineer Les Hall recounts some of them. | |
EP 66. Morris Clarkson Salmon Lures & Ribble Salmon | |
Recorded in 2012. Morris Clarkson of the Ribchester based workshop Spintec has been hand making bespoke Salmon lures since the 1950s, including the Flying C, Devon Minnow and Blair Spoon. Quality not quantity is the company motto. He also regularly fishes with these lures on the River Ribble for Salmon from which he has taken in excess of 200 fish. Both aspects are discussed here in detail, along with a history of lure making in the UK. | |
EP 65. Alan Sharpe Boat Traces | |
Recorded in 2011. Ex-England international boat squad member Alan Sharpe discusses his trace design and manufacturing business. Terminal tackle items are also discussed at length, along with his time in the England squad | |
EP 64. Steve Quinn Coarse Legends | |
Recorded in 2012. Ex-England International boat angler Steve Quinn actually started his angling career as a coarse match fisherman competing, and doing very well against some of the all times greats such as the Ashursts, Ian Heaps and Ivan Marks. Here he gives his recollections of what these legends were actually like as people as well as anglers. | |
EP 63. Stuart Cresswell & Willie Kennedy Tagathons | |
Recorded in 2011. As a response to the Scottish government demanding hard data demonstrating the need for marine conservation, the Scottish Sea Angling Conservation Network (SSACN) organised a Spurdog Tagathon on Loch's Sunart and Etive. So popular was this, and so revealing in terms of factual data that it has now become an annual event along with others at Luce Bay for Tope, and Crinan for Common Skate added to the diary. Here event organisers Stuart Cresswell and Willie Kennedy discuss both the concept and the events. | |
EP 62. North West Boat Club History | |
Recorded in 2012. Much of what we commonly see in small boat fishing clubs today has its origins in pioneering work done by a handful of Lancashire small boat anglers more than 40 years ago. Here we explore the history of the Fylde, Wyre and Blackpool boat angling clubs. | |
EP 61. Clive Gammon Reflections | |
Recorded in 2011. Out of all the sea angling greats who helped shape today's sea angling by helping its transition from the old ways of the 1950's and 60's to those of the 21st century, Clive Gammon is the one held in the highest esteem by the vast majority of people. | |
EP 60. Steve Quinn International Boat Squad | |
Recorded in 2012. Ex-England International boat angler Steve Quinn looks at the whole boat match angling scene as well as providing a wealth of top quality tackle and tactical tips which he used to get into, maintain his squad place within, and ultimately win medals with, including gold, as well as becoming European Cod champion. | |
EP 59. Dougal Lane Guernsey | |
Recorded in 2012. The Channel Islands have long been an extended trip stopover for south coast charter boats. Here local commercial skipper/charter boat skipper Dougal Lane looks in detail at the wreck, reef and bank fishing within easy reach of his base on the island of Guernsey. He also gives an insight into finding and positioning over wrecks, plus details of a dramatic rescue. | |
EP 58. Mick McCallum Shore International | |
Recorded in 2012. Blackpool shore match angler Mick McCallum charts his progression through the ranks to representing England and winning a gold medal at the home internationals, then on to the world championships, before becoming totally disillusioned with the squad, its south coast bias, and its politics. A no holds barred discussion of the entire topic, plus a wealth of tackle and tactical information used to get him to the top. | |
EP 57. Steve Ball Fylde Shore Angling | |
Recorded in 2012. Fylde Boat Angling Club shore section member and local shore match angler Steve Ball takes us on a tour of the Fylde Coast, suggesting features, marks and tactics along the way. | |
EP 56. Ronnie Campbell Loch Etive | |
Recorded in 2011. Much of the development of the Common Skate fishing in the Firth of Lorne, and of the Spurdog fishery in Loch Etive is down to local charter boat skipper Ronnie Campbell, who discusses the fishery, its problems, and his regrets at the way the Loch Etive side of things are going, citing his own responsibility in the way things have turned out. | |
EP 55. Dave Beecham Canaries Carp | |
Recorded in 2011. Because the Canary Islands have no natural lakes nor indigenous freshwater fish species, local farmers rely on dammed reservoirs for crop irrigation purposes to which they have introduced Carp to prevent weed growth. In the high temperatures there these fish have thrived and grown big. Ex-pat UK Carp angler Dave Beecham guides visiting anglers on all inclusive trips to these lakes where fish in excess of 30 pounds are regularly caught. | |
EP 54. Andrew Alsop Welsh Sharks | |
Recorded in 2011. Both Milford Haven charter boat skipper Andrew Alsop and the port itself are fast making their names on the Shark fishing scene. Already the British Blue Shark record has been beaten and released as one of a number of fish topping 200 pounds, with hundred pounders a regular occurrence and 50 Sharks taken in a single day. | |
EP 53. Bob Fitchie & Phill Williams Salmonid Grand Slam | |
Recorded in 2012. Back in the 1970's, Phill Williams and Bob Fitchie set out to catch a Salmon, Sea Trout, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, Brook Trout, Grayling, Schelly and Char each, and all in the same season as a Salmonid Grand Slam. Bob Fitchie actually completed it becoming arguably the first person ever to do so. | |
EP 52. Mick White & Jack Shine Shore Sharks | |
Recorded in 2011. Jack Shine is an Irish shore fishing legend. Sadly, he died in 1997, but his legacy of over 40 Porbeagle Sharks caught from the shore has never been repeated, not even with one fish, and possibly never will. Towards the end of Jack's life, Mick White spent quite a bit of time in his company documenting his achievements which he details and shares with us here. | |
EP 51. Dave Lewis Guiding At Sea | |
Over recent years, fully inclusive organised angling adventures to all corners of the world have become an integral part of the modern sea fishing scene. One such a guide is sea angling journalist Dave Lewis who talks here about the scope,potential and strong points of the trips he accompanies offered by Anglers World Holidays. | |
EP 50. Jamie Soons Interview, Kayak Fishing | |
Recorded in 2011. Kayak fishing at sea is one of the fastest branches of fishing in the UK. Here kayak regular Jamie Soons talks the subject through thoroughly from buying and kitting out to monster Common Skate. | |
EP 49. Dave Lewis Interview, Shore Sharks | |
Recorded in 2011. Dave Lewis and Phill Williams look back at what was arguably the most productive shore angling trip ever made which produced in excess of 15,000 pounds of fish to almost 300 pounds from the steep surf beaches of Namibia's skeleton coast. | |
EP 48. Eric Hope Interview, Lakeland Guide | |
Recorded in 2011. Cumbrian angling guide Eric Hope from Hemmingways at Keswick talks about his guiding throughout the Lake District, and the fishing he offers for Pike, Perch, Salmon and wild Trout, including some huge Ferox Trout. | |
EP 47. Ian Heaps Interview, Coarse World Champion | |
Recorded in 2011. World and European coarse match angling champion Ian Heaps talks about his glittering career, his angling techniques, and his school of angling at Holgan Farm in West Wales. | |
EP 46. Jeff Carroll & Bill Gibson Interview, Char Trolling | |
Recorded in 2011. Plumb line trolling a string of lures over deep water for Char on Coniston in the Lake District is a tradition that goes back many years. Here modern day practitioners Jeff Carroll and Bill Gibson explain the process and talk about the life history of the Char. | |
EP 45. Mick Duff Interview, Six Gilled Sharks | |
Recorded in 2011. Surprising a lot of people, a Six Gilled Shark in excess of 1000 pounds, the first ever grand plus fish from around the British Isles, was caught off the Irish port of Kilkee in 2009. But years before that, dinghy angler Mick Duff had already found their whereabouts. | |
EP 44. Brian Douglas & Phill Williams Interview, Fenit | |
Recorded in 2011. A story of an exploratory dinghy trip by Brian Douglas and Phill Williams to Tralee Bay in Co. Kerry Ireland which produced a wide variety of ray species including the rare Bottle Nosed Ray with specimens of 140 pounds. | |
EP 43. Phill Williams & Brian Douglas Interview, Fylde Cod | |
Recorded in 2011. As dinghy anglers who were present and participated in the famous Flyde Coast jumbo Cod fishing era between the mid 1970's and mid 1980's, Brian Douglas and Phill Williams take a realistic as well as a nostalgic look at this probably never to be repeated event. | |
Ep 42. Rod Taylor Interview, Coarse Fish Farming | |
Recorded in 2011. Coarse fish farming as a science was introduced to the UK in the wake of the Toxteth riots in the 1980's for river re-stocking, particularly around the Mersey Basin, wherever and whenever water quality would allow. At the forefront of perfecting these techniques was Rod Taylor, who explains both flow through as well as recirculation fish breeding and keeping. | |
Ep 41. Dr. Ed Farrell Interview, Smoothhounds | |
Recorded in 2011. Dr. Ed Farrell discuses his research work showing conclusively that despite claims to the contrary by anglers and fish recorders, only one Smoothhound species, the Starry Smoothhound, is found in northern European waters. | |
Ep 40. Dave Taylor Interview, Aberystwyth | |
Recorded in 2011. Aberystwyth has long been a favourite sea angling destination, particularly back in the 1970's and 80's when Porbeagle Sharks were present in good numbers. As with the Rays, Shark numbers unfortunately have gone into decline. But there have been winners too, particularly the Black Bream. And throughout that time, Dave Taylor who skippers 'Aldebaran' has been taking parties out looking for them all. | |
Ep 39. Tammy Fisher Interview, Lady Deckhand | |
Recorded in 2011. Female sea anglers are quite a rarity, even in todays enlightened times. Women crewing or skippering offshore charter boats in the UK are almost unheard of, making Tammy Fisher, who works aboard 'Katie Louise' fishing for Tope and Cod along the Norfolk and Suffolk coastlines respectively, something of an interesting find. A short but interesting insight into the work and plans of this 21 year old lady sea angler | |
Ep 38. Nathan Lumb Interview, Pole Fishing | |
Recorded in 2011. Pole fishing is a very quick and precise approach to catching fish in a freshwater match situation. Here, still water pole match fishing expert Nathan Lumb takes us on a step by step journey through the technique. | |
Ep 37. Dave Christy Interview, Worm Digging | |
Recorded in 2011. As a bait digger for many years, Fleetwood based Dave Christy has a vast reservoir of knowledge on the distribution, gathering and keeping of marine worms for angling bait which he shares with us in great detail here. | |
Ep 36. Andy Owen Interview, Port Dinorwic | |
Recorded in 2010. Andy Owen operates the angling catamaran 'Morgan James II' out of Port Dinorwic on the Menai Strait where has two contrasting options to offer his clients. The first of these is deep water wreck fishing out in The St. Georges Channel, the other being inshore reef, bank and open ground fishing for a vast array of popular species including Bream, Bass and Tope. | |
EP 35. Dave Builth & Rodney Burge Interview, Amble | |
Recorded in 2011. Dave Builth skippers the charter boat Upholder out from Amble, while Rodney Burge was her previous owner. Both are members of the Amble lifeboat crew, and in their different ways, both know much regarding the history of sea angling along this part of the Northumbrian Coast. | |
Ep 34. George Wilson Interview, Highfield Lakes | |
Recorded in 2011. George Wilson is the manager of the widely acclaimed Highfield Fishery at Hambleton on Lancashire's Fylde Coast. Here he talks about the construction and management of the fishery. | |
Ep 33. Zyg Gregorek Interview, Anglers Paradise | |
Recorded in 2011. Zyg Gregorek owns the luxury multi lake and accommodation complex known as Anglers Paradise at Halwill in Devon. Here he talks us through the initial concept through to its completion and its prospects for the future. | |
EP 32. Martin Bray Interview, Looe Sharking | |
Recorded in 2011. Martin Bray, as did his father Jack before him, operates the tackle shop and one time boat booking office on the quay at Looe in Cornwall which was the hub of Shark fishing in Britain, adjacent to the head quarters of the the Shark Angling Club of Great Britain. Then gradually it slipped into terminal decline. | |
Ep 31. Frank Vinnicombe Interview, Mako Man | |
Recorded in 2011. In the 1970's and early 80's, Frank Vinnicombe reputedly caught more Mako Sharks for his clients than every other boat and angler put together, earning himself the nick name The Mako Man. | |
Ep 30. Chris Roberts Interview, Salcombe | |
Recorded in 2010. Salcombe charter boat skipper Chris Roberts talks to Graeme Pullen about the inshore, offshore and estuary prospects from the port. | |
Ep 29. Mike Roden Interview, Game Angling Guides | |
Recorded in 2011. Full time fly fishing guide and instructor Mike Roden talks about fly fishing in the North West. | |
Ep 28. Dick Farrer Interview, Iceland Run | |
Recorded in 2011. Veteran Fleetwood trawler skipper Dick Farrer talks about his days on the old side winder trawlers running up to Iceland both before and during the Cod Wars. | |
Ep 27. Mick Riley & Phil Denham Interview, Rescue | |
Recorded in 2009. Mick Riley, sole survivor of a dinghy angling tragedy off Lancashire's Fylde Coast talks about the events leading up that day, the feeling of isolation and desperation of the situation, and of his ultimate rescue. Given a hard time later in the press, un-justifiably as it would turn out, here he put the record straight and tries to persuade other small boat anglers to be more safety conscious. His RNLI rescuer Phil Denham also contributes. | |
Ep 26. Frank Shaw Interview, Newhaven | |
Recorded in 2010. Graeme Pullen interviews Newhaven charter skipper Frank Shaw on a range of local topics. | |
Ep 25. John Rawle Interview, Islamorada | |
Recorded in 2011. Essex charter boat skipper and co-inventor of the technique of uptide fishing John Rawle takes a detailed look at both strands of his charter fishing life here at Bradwell in the UK and Florida the USA, comparing and contrasting his US experiences in terms of fish catching and conservation to our side of the Atlantic. | |
Ep 24. John Rawle Interview, Uptide Fishing | |
Recorded in 2011. As the co-inventor of uptide fishing along with Bob Cox back in the 1970's in and around the Thames Estuary, Essex charter skipper John Rawle explains the history of this highly successful shallow water boat fishing technique, and how to get the best out of it in terms of tackle, terminal rigs and approach. | |
Ep 23. Mick Duff Interview, Peeler Crabs | |
Recorded in 2011. Arguably, the top bait on the sea angling scene is peeler crab. Unfortunately, it has something of a mystique surrounding it, particularly in terms of long term keeping and having it ready to order. Here small boat expert Mick Duff spells out the whole process of trapping, holding and bringing peeler crabs on. | |
Ep 22. Mick Duff Mersey Interview, River Mersey | |
Recorded in 2011 Over recent years, the River Mersey, both inside during the winter, and outside over the summer, has earned itself a well deserved reputation for being one of the most consistent sheltered boat fishing venues in the country. Here Wirrall small boat member Mick Duff gives us a guide tour. | |
Ep 21. Neil French Interview, Littlehampton | |
Recorded in 2010. Greame Pullen interviews Littlehampton charter boat skipper Neil French about the prospects for visitors to the Sussex port, and for information on the techniques he uses to get the best out of what is available. | |
Ep 20. Wayne Comben Interview, Langstone | |
Recorded in 2010. Greaeme Pullen joins Solent small boat specialist Wayne Comben for a days mixed fishing and boat talk out from Lanstone Harbour aboard his 17 foot Wilson Flier. | |
Ep 19. John McAngus Interview Zander Introduction | |
Recorded in 2011. John McAngus is the last surviving member of the team responsible for the controversial introduction of Zander to the Fens back in 1963. A time when fishery managers could do pretty much what they wanted. Here we get the full story of what he describes as 'That Fateful Day'. | |
Ep 18. Zyg Gregorek Interview Royal Slams | |
Recorded in 2010. Graeme Pullen discusses tackle and tactics for the Tarpon, Bonefish and Permit Grand Slam, then goes on to talk with Zyg Gregorek, the only man in history to achieve three different Royal Slams by catching every species of Billfish, every species of Tuna, and the IGFA's nominated list of nine different Shark species. | |
Ep 17. Andy Bradbury Interview, Fleetwood | |
Recorded in 2010. As the sole charter boat left operating out of the port of Fleetwood, Blue Mink skipper Andy Bradbury talks about his transition from small boat angler to charter skipper, and the prospects for visiting anglers over the year. | |
Ep 16. Ian Burrett Interview, Scottish Conservation | |
Recorded in 2010. As projects director of the conservation lobby group Scottish Sea Angling Conservation Network (SSACN), Ian Burrett talks about the groups history, achievements and future aims. | |
Ep 15. Ron Greer Interview, Ferox Trout | |
Recorded in 2010. Ferox 85 is a single species research and study group set up in 1985 to look into all matters scientific and angling with regard to wild Ferox Brown Trout. Much has been learned about this enigmatic fish by the group over that time, not too mention the fact that its members have also taken the British rod caught record to new heights. Now in its silver jubilee year, co-founder Ron Greer talks about a wide range of subjects relating to the group and Ferox fishing in the UK. | |
Ep 14. Bill Pashby Interview, North Sea Tunny | |
Recorded in 2010. Between the 1930's and 1950's, Scarborough was the hub of big game fishing in the UK. Here Bill Pashby recalls his time spent taking out wealthy customers fishing for giant Blue Fin Tuna or Tunny. | |
EP 13. Pete Thorman Interview, Great White Sharks | |
Recorded in 2010. Monster fish and Great White Shark enthusiast Pete Thorman talks about what it was like to catch huge Sharks for a tag and release scientific research program off the coast of South Africa. | |
Ep 12. Graeme Pullen Interview, Trout Stalking | |
Recorded in 2010. For some, stalking big Trout in the gin clear waters of some of Hampshire's still waters became not only a pilgrimage, but an art form. Here Graeme Pullen looks at the history as well as the techniques behind the phenomenon. | |
Ep 11. Graeme Pullen Interview, Sharks | |
Recorded in 2010. Big fish expert Graeme Pullen talks about all aspects of fishing for big Sharks both worldwide and in UK waters. | |
Ep 10. Jason Owen Interview, Pwllheli | |
Recorded in 2010. Pwllheli has long been a very popular summer charter angling venue, but also has a lesser known full year round potential where it offers a huge diversity, depending on the size of the tides, which includes reef, wreck, bank and open ground fishing. Charter skipper of Haf Aled Jason Owen explains. | |
Ep 09. Stuart Barrett Interview, Dever Springs | |
Recorded in 2011. Dever Springs trout fishery in Hampshire has a well earned reputation for cultivating and producing big and even record sized Brown and Rainbow Trout. Its gin clear chalk stream fed lakes also make it one of the countries premier stalking waters. Stuart Barrett from the fishery discusses a range of issues regarding big fish rearing, stocking, and catching. | |
Ep 08. Graeme Pullen Interview, Billfish | |
Recorded in 2010. Graeme Pullen has devoted a large portion of his life to the pursuit of huge fish, and in particular Marlin. Here he talks openly about Billfish species on a worldwide as well as a European basis, explaining some of the developments in both techniques and pin pointing new hot spots that he has been responsible for. | |
Ep 07. Phill Williams Interview, North Lancashire | |
Recorded in 2010. The top side of Morecambe Bay up the Duddon Estuary was once alive with summer Cod, Plaice, Tope and Bass. Vast catches could be made there on a regular basis. Then it started to slip into decline. Here we look at the area in it's 1970's and 80's hey day. | |
Ep 06. Tony Parry Interview, Rhyl | |
Recorded in 2010. Tony Parry, skipper of Jensen II based at Rhyl in the summer and Liverpool over the winter talks about the history and current status of both fisheries, plus his thoughts on renewable energy in the form of offshore wind farms and their direct and indirect effects on fishing and fish distribution. | |
Ep 05. Phill Williams Interview, Fylde Jumbo Cod | |
Recorded in 2010. As a dinghy angler who was present and participated in the famous Flyde Coast jumbo Cod fishing era between the mid 1970's and mid 1980's, Phill Williams takes a realistic as well as a nostalgic look at this probably never to be repeated event. Many huge Cod were taken very close in to Lancashire's Cleveleys shoreline. But it wasn't a case of success guaranteed, as very often there would days with little or no reward for your efforts, at times in weather and sea conditions at the limit of what the small un-sophisticated boats back then could handle | |
Ep 04. Frank Bee Interview, Morecambe Bay | |
Recorded in 2009. Veteran angler Frank Bee talks about his long commercial and charter fishing career, and how that influenced the charter angling scene both at Fleetwood and in Morecambe Bay. Then, in his early 70's, he retired from the charter fishing and bought himself a small boat which amongst many good catches was responsible for the North West Cod record of 42 pounds. | |
Ep 03. Gethyn Owen Interview, Holyhead | |
Recorded in 2010. Gethyn Owen is an ex-Welsh International boat angler turned successful charter skipper operating out of Holyhead. A measure of that success is anglers fishing aboard his boat My Way having successfully claimed the Welsh records for Tope, Spurdog and Smoothhound, which in each case was returned to the sea alive. | |
Ep 02. Mick Riley, Sea Rescue Interview | |
Recorded in 2009. Mick Riley, sole survivor of a dinghy angling tragedy off Lancashire's Fylde Coast talks about the events leading up that day, the feeling of isolation and desperation of the situation, and of his ultimate rescue. Given a hard time later in the press, un-justifiably as it would turn out, here he put the record straight and tries to persuade other small boat anglers to be more safety conscious. | |
Ep 01. Ian Burrett, Luce Bay | |
Recorded in 2009. Humberside sea angler Ian Burrett loved the Luce Bay area so much that he moved home there to set up the highly successful Onyermarks charter business. Ian is also a great advocate of conservation and a founder member of SSACN. | |
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